Bus Times and Tickets > Florianópolis to Criciúma

Bus Times

Bus from Florianópolis to Criciúma

Florianópolis  >  Criciúma

07:45 Departure
10:40 Arrival
Available seats39
Santo Anjo
Please choose one of our official partners to book your bus ticket
R$ 74,84
08:15 Departure
11:15 Arrival
Available seats35
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

09:00 Departure
13:00 Arrival
Available seats36
Santo Anjo
Please choose one of our official partners to book your bus ticket
R$ 80,35
11:30 Departure
14:30 Arrival
Available seats40
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

13:30 Departure
16:30 Arrival
Available seats40
Santo Anjo
Please choose one of our official partners to book your bus ticket
R$ 74,84
14:15 Departure
17:15 Arrival
Available seats37
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

17:00 Departure
20:00 Arrival
Available seats37
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

18:00 Departure
21:00 Arrival
Available seats43
Santo Anjo
Please choose one of our official partners to book your bus ticket
R$ 74,84
19:00 Departure
21:50 Arrival
Available seats36
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

21:00 Departure
23:50 Arrival
Available seats42
Empresa União
R$ 75,05

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

Florianópolis bus station

Address: Avenida Paulo Fontes, 1101 - centro
CEP: 88010-230

Phone: + 55 (48) 3664-9450

Criciúma bus station

Address: Rua Gonçalves Lêdo, s/n - Centro
CEP: 88802-120

Phone: (48) 3433-3999

What Bus Companies Travel From Florianópolis To Criciúma?

Empresa União
Empresa União
0800-888-0809 | 0800-880-0144 (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)
Santo Anjo
Santo Anjo
0800 877 3000 | (90xx48) 3821.3005 (Deficiente Auditivo ou de Fala) | (48) 98824-2541 (whatsapp)