Bus Times and Tickets > Rio de Janeiro to Itamaraju

Bus Times

Bus from Rio de Janeiro to Itamaraju

Rio de Janeiro  >  Itamaraju

07:25 Departure
23:45 Arrival
Águia Branca
R$ 749,93

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

12:50 Departure
05:55 Arrival
Available seats13
Águia Branca
R$ 341,09

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

14:00 Departure
06:55 Arrival
Available seats21
Please choose one of our official partners to book your bus ticket
R$ 380,53
16:00 Departure
08:02 Arrival
Available seats25
R$ 307,08

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

16:55 Departure
09:30 Arrival
Available seats24
R$ 439,00

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

Rio de Janeiro bus station

Address: Francisco Bicalho, 1 - Santo Cristo
CEP: 20220-310

Phone: +55 (21) 3213-1800

What Bus Companies Travel From Rio de Janeiro To Itamaraju?

0800 728 0044 | 0800 704 3496 (Deficiente Auditivo ou de Fala)
Viação Nacional
Viação Nacional
0800 728 0044
Águia Branca
Águia Branca
0800 725 1211 | 0800 725 1212 (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)