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Your bus trip from Uberlândia to Recife has an approximate road distance of 2293 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.
The cultural and natural beauty are some of the principal characteristics of Recife. The art is part of the life of its inhabitants. Proof of this are the artist's workshops and the broad number of museums, providing information about the local culture and the history of the city.
The city is well known for its famous music style frevo, which you can hear during the whole year. Can you already feel the energy of the capital of Pernambuco? Then you should visit the capital of the northeastern part of Brazil. There are two different rivers, which pass through the city of Recife: Capibaribe River and Beberibe River. The inhabitants of Recife claim that the river mouth of the two rivers "form the Atlantic Ocean".
Besides its wonderful beaches, you can find historical and cultural beauties as well as folkloric events in Recife. The Carnival of Recife is one of the highlights of the city. It is considered the biggest street carnival in the world. There are approximately 2 million people from all over Brazil participating at the famous carnival block Galo da Madrugada.
More InfoAddress: Avenida Prefeito Antônio Pereira, s/n - Várzea
Zip Code: 50950-030