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  • Maceió to Salvador
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Maceió to Salvador

We found bus tickets from Maceió to Salvador with 76 daily departures and prices starting at R$ 102, as well as options for flight tickets from Maceió to Salvador. Choose the date below to buy your bus ticket from Maceió to Salvador and have a safe trip!

*These are the best prices for tickets from Maceió to Salvador from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from Salvador to Maceió.

What is the distance from Maceió to Salvador?

Your bus trip from Maceió to Salvador has an approximate road distance of 584 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


How to travel cheaply from Maceió to Salvador?

We found offers for you of cheap bus tickets from Maceió to Salvador starting at R$ 102. Choose the date below to see bus schedules from Maceió to Salvador.

Arriving in Salvador


Salvador is worldwide known as the capital of happiness. It is a magical place and one of the most visited touristic cities in the world. You can already feel the spirit of the city when you arrive at Salvador Bus Station. This is the place, where a lot of different buses from all over Brazil arrive every day.

Salvador was the first capital of Brazil. One of the main characteristics of the city is its cultural and ethical mixture. You can notice those cultural mixtures in the musical rhythms, in the culinary, in the religious rituals and in the architecture of its buildings. A lot of elderly houses are nowadays used as hotels, guest houses or restaurants to receive thousands of people from all over the world.

The beautiful climate in Salvador and the outstanding cultural and ethical mixture, make people from all over the world visit the capital of Bahia again and again.

More Info

Departing Bus Station In Maceió And Arriving Bus Station In Salvador

Salvador Bus Station

Address: Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, 4362 - Pernambués
Zip Code: 41800-700

Phone: +55 (71) 3616-8357 | +55 (71) 3616-8358

What Bus Companies Travel From Maceió To Salvador?

Catedral Turismo
Catedral Turismo
0800 8801 315 | 0800 8801 320 (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)
Expresso São Luiz
0800 042 4223
Rota Transportes
Rota Transportes
0800 284 9900 | 0800 888 0809 | 0800 880 0144 - (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)
Águia Branca
Águia Branca
0800 725 1211 | 0800 725 1212 (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)