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  • Castro to São Paulo
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Castro to São Paulo

We are checking the bus schedules from Castro to São Paulo for your trip. Please choose the date and proceed with your search.

*These are the best prices for tickets from Castro to São Paulo from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from São Paulo to Castro.

We suggest other alternatives for your trip...


Bus from Castro to São Paulo with a connection in Curitiba:


Bus from Castro to São Paulo with a connection in Ponta Grossa:

Tips for travel with a connection

In a multi-leg trip, external factors can influence the estimated arrival time. Opt for a connection interval of at least 2 hours between buses.

What is the distance from Castro to São Paulo?

Your bus trip from Castro to São Paulo has an approximate road distance of 474 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


Arriving in São Paulo

São Paulo

São Paulo is considered the metropolis of diversity, where different cultures and lifestyles live together in harmony. The city of São Paulo is well known for their hard working population and for their immense number of immigrants from different Brazilian cities or from countries outside Brazil. Nowadays, there are about 20 million people living in the city. There are a lot of people, travelling to São Paulo by bus and arriving at one of the three bus stations of the city. In São Paulo, you will find amusement, an outstanding cultural program and a gastronomy with delicious food from all over the world.

More Info

What Bus Companies Travel From Castro To São Paulo?

Expresso Nordeste
Expresso Nordeste
44 3518-4000 | 0800 44 2222 | 0800 940 3185 (Deficientes auditivos e de fala)