Bus Times and Tickets > Cuiabá to Ouro Preto do Oeste

Bus Times

Bus from Cuiabá to Ouro Preto do Oeste

Cuiabá  >  Ouro Preto do Oeste

10:00 Departure
05:10 Arrival
Expresso Itamarati
R$ 507,59
Ouro Preto do Oeste

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

10:00 Departure
05:10 Arrival
Available seats20
Expresso Itamarati
R$ 507,59
Ouro Preto do Oeste

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

17:30 Departure
11:40 Arrival
Available seats17
Expresso Itamarati
R$ 491,10
Ouro Preto do Oeste

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

What Bus Companies Travel From Cuiabá To Ouro Preto do Oeste?

Expresso Itamarati
Expresso Itamarati
0800 707 4422 | (17) 3122 8555 | 0800 707 4414 (Deficiente Auditivo)
Gran Express