Bus Times and Tickets > Campo Grande to Bonito

Bus Times

Bus from Campo Grande to Bonito

Campo Grande  >  Bonito

08:00 Departure
12:50 Arrival
Available seats19
Cruzeiro do Sul
R$ 104,00

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

14:00 Departure
18:50 Arrival
Available seats21
Cruzeiro do Sul
R$ 104,00

Hi traveler!

This bus ticket is not sold by our online travel agency partners yet.
Please find information on how to buy this ticket with the bus company or at the bus station.

Campo Grande bus station

Address: Rua Gury Marques, 1215 - Universitário
CEP: 79063-000

Phone: (67) 3026-6789

What Bus Companies Travel From Campo Grande To Bonito?

Viação Cruzeiro do Sul
Viação Cruzeiro do Sul
0800 067 9700 (Exclusivo Passagens) | (67) 3312-9700