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  • Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis

We found bus tickets from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis with 76 daily departures starting at R$ 83. Choose the date below to buy your bus ticket from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis and have a safe trip!

*These are the best prices for tickets from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from Florianópolis to Ponta Grossa.

What is the distance from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis?

Your bus trip from Ponta Grossa to Florianópolis has an approximate road distance of 417 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


Arriving in Florianópolis


"Welcome to the Magic Island!" This is the perfect slogan for tourists, who come to Florianópolis (often called "Floripa"), which is considered one of the most popular touristic destinations in the world. There are tourists arriving daily at the airport and at the bus station. The island of Florianópolis consists of 436,5 square kms with paradisiacal beaches, lagoons, dunes and extensive possibilities for sports activities. The beautiful island of Florianópolis is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

The nickname of Florianópolis - Magic Island - ("Ilha da magia") really makes sense: It is a beautiful place for tourists, which often like the city so much, that they come back to the island after they have visited it once. One of the highlights of Floripa are its beautiful nature and its outstanding gastronomic options. Find the bus times to Florianópolis, and explore this magic island.

More Info

Departing Bus Station In Ponta Grossa And Arriving Bus Station In Florianópolis

Florianópolis Bus Station

Address: Avenida Paulo Fontes, 1101 - centro
Zip Code: 88010-230

Phone: + 55 (48) 3664-9450

What Bus Companies Travel From Ponta Grossa To Florianópolis?

Brasil Sul
Brasil Sul
0800 400 9999 | 0800 642 7700 (Deficiente Auditivo) | (43) 98416-0013 (Whatsapp)
0800 45 5050 | 0800 69 0800 | 0800 648 0008 (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)
Expresso Nordeste
Expresso Nordeste
44 3518-4000 | 0800 44 2222 | 0800 940 3185 (Deficientes auditivos e de fala)