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  • Diamantina to Belo Horizonte
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte

We found bus tickets from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte with 24 daily departures starting at R$ 62. Choose the date below to buy your bus ticket from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte and have a safe trip!

*These are the best prices for tickets from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from Belo Horizonte to Diamantina.

What is the distance from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte?

Your bus trip from Diamantina to Belo Horizonte has an approximate road distance of 298 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


Arriving in Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte

The history of Belo Horizonte started in 1701 with the foundation of Arraial Curral del Rei. After it was appointed capital of Minas Gerais, it was named Cidade de Minas (in 1897). In 1901, the city was named Belo Horizonte.

Belo Horizonte (often called BH) is one of the most important cities of Brazil. It was the first planned Brazilian city. Belo Horizonte has grown continuously and has become a metropolis. However, it still has a strong connection with the nature, inspired by the numerous mountains, which surround the city.

There are a lot of tourists visiting Belo Horizonte by bus, looking for beautiful natural places, gastronomic specialities as well as numerous historic places, which are located all around the city, and in other historical cities close to Belo Horizonte.

More Info

Departing Bus Station In Diamantina And Arriving Bus Station In Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte (Rodoviária) Bus Station

Address: Praça Rio Branco, 100 - Centro
Zip Code: 31575-120

Phone: +55 (31) 3271-3000

What Bus Companies Travel From Diamantina To Belo Horizonte?

(11) 97643-8546
Pássaro Verde
Pássaro Verde
(31) 3073-7575 (passagens intermunicipais) | 0800 033 7575 (passagens interestaduais) | 0800 724 4400 (ouvidoria) | 0800 642 7373 ( deficientes auditivos e fala)