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  • Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand

We found bus tickets from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand with 15 daily departures starting at R$ 38. Choose the date below to buy your bus ticket from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand and have a safe trip!

*These are the best prices for tickets from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from Assis Chateaubriand to Cascavel.

What is the distance from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand?

Your bus trip from Cascavel to Assis Chateaubriand has an approximate road distance of 84 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


Departing Bus Station In Cascavel And Arriving Bus Station In Assis Chateaubriand

Cascavel Bus Station

Address: Avenida Assunção, 1757 - Alto Alegre
Zip Code: 85805-020

Phone: (45) 3036-8088

What Bus Companies Travel From Cascavel To Assis Chateaubriand?

Viação Umuarama
Viação Umuarama
(44) 3621-0350 | (31) 3073-7575 (passagens intermunicipais) | 0800 033 7575 (passagens interestaduais) | 0800 642 7373 (PNE - auditivos e fala)