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  • Bauru to Rio de Janeiro
  • Cheap Bus Tickets

Tickets from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro

We found bus tickets from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro with 9 daily departures and prices starting at R$ 190, as well as options for flight tickets from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro. Choose the date below to buy your bus ticket from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro and have a safe trip!

*These are the best prices for tickets from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro from our latest searches. Fares and availability may change with no further notice.

And the return trip? Search for the best prices for your return with bus tickets from Rio de Janeiro to Bauru.

What is the distance from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro?

Your bus trip from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro has an approximate road distance of 757 km. This route may vary depending on the chosen transportation.


How to travel cheaply from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro?

We found offers for you of cheap bus tickets from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro starting at R$ 190. Choose the date below to see bus schedules from Bauru to Rio de Janeiro.

Arriving in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Cristo Redentor (Statue of Christ) will receive you with opened arms! With these receptiveness, which is typical for "cariocas" (the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro), you will be received in the "cidade maravilhosa" (beautiful city) with all its charm.

Rio de Janeiro has been a very important part of the Brazilian history. First, it was the capital of the colony, later it became the capital of the Portuguese Empire and during a while it was also named the capital of the Federal Republic (later Brasilia became the capital of the Federal Republic).

Year in and year out, millions of tourists visit Rio de Janeiro by bus. The city is worldwide known for its beautiful landscape, tropical climate and its outstanding opportunities for leisure.

The city is surrounded by mountains, beautiful beaches and forests. There are big events, which are held every year in Rio de Janeiro. At New Year’s Eve, fireworks illuminate the sky of Copacabana. During Carnival, the streets of Rio de Janeiro are full with people celebrating this outstanding and typical event. The famous Sambadrome is the place where the samba school parades take place.

More Info

Departing Bus Station In Bauru And Arriving Bus Station In Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro Bus Station

Address: Francisco Bicalho, 1 - Santo Cristo
Zip Code: 20220-310

Phone: +55 (21) 3213-1800

What Bus Companies Travel From Bauru To Rio de Janeiro?

Expresso Adamantina
Reunidas Paulista
Reunidas Paulista
0800 709 9020 | (18) 2102-4420 (linhas intermunicipais SP) | 0800 709 9141 - (Deficientes auditivos ou de fala)